Battle the oncoming Alien Invasion of Earth in this epic racer to rescue your beloved pet Octopus Fluffy and escape. Mad Day is a combination of an awesome racing and alien shooting game. Upgrade your Car, Guns, Armor, Clothing and more to beat the bad guys. Take on the aliens lasers and blasters with your own trucks rocket launcher as you climb hills and smash through walls. Then start running on foot with your shotgun, killing and smashing aliens.
Anime Fantasy RPG Dress Up
Block Puzzle Star
Parking Space
Lara Croft Tomb Raider
Happy Glass Puzzles
Clash Blade IO
Cat And Kids Differences
LOL Surprise Dolls Dress Up
Lovely Christmas Slide
Draw Pixels Heroes Face
Pixel Gold Clicker
Tuk Tuk Rush
Taxi Simulator
Racing Cartoons Jigsaw
Paper Monster Truck Race
Minecraft Survival
BTS Mario Coloring
Baby Bath Jigsaw
Santa Hidden Presents
Bitcoin Clicker
Happy Green Earth
BTS Monster Truck Coloring
Ben 10 Difference
Four Colors
Santa Gravity Run
Car Eat Gas
Jungle Temple Blast
Halloween Connection